Magic: The Gathering - Art

While Magic played a large role in my reading comprehension and vocabulary, it also sparked a lifelong love and apprecation of art. There are so many talented artists out there and the world of proxies opens unlimited opportunities, yet I find myself seeking almost exclusively original cards. Playing the game itself is enjoyable, but every game is also a chance for nostalgia. While not a guarantee, just about every deck I make has several cards that are properly in the 'legacy' category. When I draw an older card, I always have a brief moment of 'Man, that's great art.' or some similarly whistful thought. In my continuing attempt to do something with this website, I decided to make this page to go along with my flavor text one.

The first artist I could name as a kid wasn't Picasso or Monet, but a longtime Magic artist, so I'll start with some of my favorite cards he's done over the years:

Mark Poole
